Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Blues

Hi everyone! These past few weeks have been crazy/busy/lazy/fun/hungover so writing in my blog has been a bit of an issue. But, as I sit here again attempting to do my homework, writing in english sounds a lot better than analyzing a story that I have had over a week to finish, so here I am.
I have met a lot of new people in the past two weeks. We were getting our school IDs a few weeks ago and were talking to the adviser Macarena and she invited us to come get dinner with her and a few other foreign students the next day. At first we were a little hesitant, because we felt like she was inviting us because she had to, and we weren't too keen on making pity friends. But, Lena and I decided that pity friends are better than no friends, so we went, and ended up having an awesome time! We met 2 american girls from University of Wisconsin, 2 guys from the Netherlands who are here on a farming internship, a girl studying in Valpo that goes to Hope college, 2 hispanic exchange students (1 from Colombia and 1 from Mexico) and a few Chileans. After dinner we went to the bar with a few of them and had a lot of fun.
After meeting all of them we made plans to go to the local beer brewery, Kunstmann, that next weekend, which was also a lot of fun. They had traditional German food and 8 different types of beer to try, and for the most part they were awesome -except for the one that was 7% alcohol, woof! We stayed there until it closed, ended up ordering 8 columns of beer and had a great time.
During the week we are usually busy with school and other things, but on Wednesdays we like to go out to a bar at the end of my street called the Bunker, and take advantage of their 2x1 happy hour special :) Lena and I also enjoy going to the town plaza and creep on everyone, especially the high schoolers who chain smoke after school. They are the coolest. The cotton candy man is pretty interesting too.
This weekend was really beautiful, and we had originally made plans to go to a place called Corral, which has old Spanish forts that are supposed to be really cool to see. We were supposed to get there around 3, because you have to take a 30 minute ferry ride to get to Corral, but we got there too late (the Chilean way) and decided to walk around Niebla instead (which is the place where the beach is). We stumbled on a fort we didn't even know existed and went there instead for about 50 cents, and it was so cool! It has a nice little museum and great views of the ocean and river, and at a great price!
Last night our pity friends threw a party at their cabaña, which me and Jake went to-Lena stayed home like a good responsible person to start the buttload of homework that we have due this week. All the friends from La Última Frontera were there, along with 3 Chilean girls I didn't know, and a guy from France that we actually met the night before at a bar. It was a nice relaxing party, mostly sitting around the campfire drinking Cristal (the Chilean Bud Light) and chatting with everyone, and it was the first time that I actually felt like my Spanish was getting better. I had a conversation with 2 Chilean girls (alone) for about 30 minutes, and afterwords I felt awesome! They told me my Spanish was good which was really nice to hear, and made me feel more confident about my speaking abilities. It was good to know that I am actually improving and getting better, and thinking back to my first day here in Santiago, I can already say that I am 100% better from that point. And it has only been a month! :)
Things outside of school here are fantastic, but, the Sunday Blues are kicking in, and my homework is calling. Until next time!
 This is one of my favorite pictures so far, these flowers are so unique and EVERYWHERE here. I love them!

1 comment:

  1. El BUNKER is the besssst. Have you eaten the hamburgers there yet? Delicious. Sounds like you're having an awesome time :) And I'm so glad that your Spanish is improving so much! YAY!
